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God is in the thick of living
God is in the thick of living
by Andrew Pratt
God is in the thick of living, in the midst of love and life; God is in our haste and hurry, in our peace and through our strife. At the crux of every crisis, with the wounded and bereft, Christ is crucified, derided, knows our punishment and stress. This is God, incarnate, wit…
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Old Clothes, New Clothes
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Old Clothes, New Clothes
by SPCK - N T Wright
Old Clothes, New Clothes Colossians 3.5-11 My daughter and I still laugh about her seventh birthday. It was a Sunday in February. The church we attended, in Canada where we lived then, held a cross-country ski day each year. People came to the morning service, stayed for soup in …
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Father's Will
John for Everyone Part 1 - The Father's Will
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Father’s Will John 6.36-46 C. S. Lewis was once interviewed by an American Christian journalist who was writing about well-known characters who had converted to Christianity during adult life. The theme was ‘decision’. He wanted to get Lewis to say how he had ‘made his decisi…
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - The Living Stone
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - The Living Stone
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Living Stone 1 Peter 2.4-10 I have never been a great gardener. Among many other reasons – lack of patience, moving house too often – I would name the problem I met the very first time I tried to take control of the small garden outside our first house. It was overgrown and n…
Revelation for Everyone - Worthy is the Lamb!
Revelation for Everyone - Worthy is the Lamb!
by SPCK - N T Wright
Worthy is the Lamb! Revelation 5.8-14 Think of it as another visit to the theatre. You are sitting in the dark when the drum begins. A slow, steady rhythm. It’s telling you something. It’s going somewhere. It builds up, louder and louder. Then the voices join in. Wild, excited si…
John for Everyone part 2 - The Final Challenge
John for Everyone part 2 - The Final Challenge
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Final Challenge John 12.44-50 One of the oldest clichés in the movie business is the final showdown between the arch-opponents. The hero and the villain have been plotting against one another all through the story. Their allies and helpers have struggled and fought. There hav…
John for Everyone part 2 - The Seed Must Die
John for Everyone part 2 - The Seed Must Die
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Seed Must Die John 12.20-26 Every autumn, when I was a boy, we used to collect horse chestnuts. We would watch the trees as the chestnuts started to fall, usually in late September or early October. The prickly, green outer shell would often split; if it didn’t, we would slic…
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Christmas Eve/Christmas Day Year A
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Christmas Eve/Christmas Day Year A
by SPCK - Jane Williams
?Christmas Eve/Christmas Day - Year A Isaiah 9:2–7 Titus 2:11–14 Luke 2:1–20 Luke starts what is to be one of the world’s most famous narratives on the world stage, as it is traditionally recounted. He starts with emperors and governors, who are, after all, the people who make hi…
Walking Below The Tideline
Walking Below The Tideline
by Andy Lindley
A meditation, formed while walking on the beach in Whitby, but reflecting on life as a Christian. Brought to mind again recently while visiting Antony Gormley's another place, and seeing this couple emulating the metal figurines, staring into the sea from the shore.
Grief - the human touch
Grief - the human touch
by Joanna Bull
a sermon delivered in St Martin's church Bull ring Birmingham on march 8th 2008; the reading was the story of lazarus and jesus calling him out of the tomb. The poem Tomb dwellers also on here was developed from this two months later. Based on John 11:1-45 Lectionary: 5th in Len…
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - FOLLOW ME